You’re Afraid to Let Go of the Memories

Heal Your Grief and Start Living Again

Individual Therapy for Grief in Ridgewood, Queens, and Online throughout New York

Schedule Your Free Consultation

The loss created a heavy sadness that settled over you.

You’ve tried talking to your friends, but you’re beginning to feel like a broken record.

The loss was a while ago now; you should be feeling better by now.

They’re too nice to say anything, but you can tell your friends don’t know what to say anymore.

It’s affecting your sleep, your appetite, and any enjoyment in life.

You’ve started acting a little reckless.

Sometimes, it feels like it doesn’t matter what you do. You’re still going to be stuck feeling this way.

Last week things started to get weird. You started crying and couldn’t stop.

Then a minor thing will send you into an uncontrollable rage.

You’re exhausted and embarrassed, but deep down, you’re frightened. What if you always feel this way?

You don’t have to live this way.

Together, we’ll explore the feelings around your loss and identify how they feel in your body.

I offer a supportive space to discuss your relationship with your departed loved one.

We’ll create a roadmap together to your new future.

I’ll provide tools to help manage the long days while working through the more profound pain in session.

Sleep better, enjoy food again and reconnect with your loved ones here and now.

Give yourself the support you deserve.

I act as a mirror, asking questions and reflecting on elements of your situation you may have missed.

Give yourself a nonjudgmental space to slow down and take stock of what is happening to you.

Imagine being able to talk about the pain – the relief and lightness in your body and mind afterward.

Do those things you once enjoyed as you feel energy and vitality return to your life.

Together, we’ll find the hope and space for joy in your life. Let’s clear room for it to grow.

Don’t waste another day of your precious life.

Struggling with feelings around grief on your own is painful and can take years to resolve.

Therapy is a proven path to start living a happier and more fulfilling life.

Build confidence, learn to let go of how they died, and hold on to how they lived.

Call (929) 507-3340 now for your free 20-minute consultation.